Wednesday, November 24, 2004


As always, you're the first thought that comes into my mind the minute I woke up. I wonder if you're still awake at this ungodly hour or you're having the best time of your life sleeping.

As usual, I'm having a hard time getting a cab in going to work. I'm wishing that you're among those people driving their car and you'd stop by and ask me to get in and bring me to the office.

I check my e-mail and scan the name of the senders --- coz it's from you, I'd definitely read it first.

Calls, calls.

First break.

More calls.

My phone beeps and I cross my fingers and hope it's from you. Wow! you still remember to text me from time to time.


Calls, calls, calls and more calls.

I can't remember when did we last talk to each other. I wonder what's up with you. Lemme check out your friendster. Hmm, nothing new.

Last break.

Time to space out and dream about you.

Time's up.

Finally, end of shift.

I always pass by Glorietta and I always play these scenes in my mind...I, bumping into you and US having a late lunch or just hanging out in Starbucks.


I, waiting for the bus (one of my faves from eheads) in Edsa and a car suddenly stopping in front of me and asking me for a ride home. Who else, but YOU!

And when i get home, I login to YM and see that you're online already. I expect us to make small talks.


As always, you're the first thought that comes into my mind the minute I woke up. I wonder if you're still awake at this ungodly hour or you're having the best time of your life
dreaming about her.

As usual, I'm having a hard time getting a cab in going to work. I'm wishing that you're among those people driving their car and you'd stop by and ask me to get in and bring me to the office.
Wish some more. You're probably fast asleep coz you're dead tired from bringing her to and from work.

I check my e-mail and scan the name of the senders --- coz it's from you, I'd definitely read it first. Oh yeah, I almost're pretty tied up. No time to even check your email. Much more, send one.

My phone beeps and I cross my fingers and hope it's from you. Dang! it's that annoying text msg from Globe again. Man! can't even remember the last time I got a text msg from you.

I can't remember when did we last talk to each other. I wonder what's up with you. Lemme check out your friendster. Hmm, nothing new.
You're still In a relationship. Honestly, I do check your page everytime I login to friendster and break my heart.

Time to space out and dream about you. ---
That's all I can do.

Time's up. ---
Will it ever end? My pain, that is. I am no angel and I do admit that sometimes I wish for your relationship to end. But I know how much you love her and hurtful as it is, I still wish you happiness.

I always pass by Glorietta and I always play these scenes in my mind...I, bumping into you and US having a late lunch or just hanging out in Starbucks.
But the truth is, I sometimes dread passing by Glorietta coz the scene that keeps playing in my mind is, I, bumping into you and your girlfriend. Enough said.


I, waiting for the bus (one of my faves from eheads) in Edsa and a car suddenly stopping in front of me and asking me for a ride home. Who else, but YOU!
I just wish that you're near Ayala Edsa around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

And when I get home, I login to YM and see that you're online already. I expect us to make small talks.
But then again, you're busy. So I'll just let you be. Don't worry. I've accepted the fact that you can't make time for me.


Anonymous said...

wow. it almost broke my heart.

i'm with you on that one.


maldita said...

hey pinks!

am sure friend kita pero sana magpakilala ka diba :D

Anonymous said...

i wonder who that ONE is...
& i wonder if he's aware that YOU exist...

it is so hard to fit in your shoe...
but then i know you wouldn't want to let go...

coz that's exactly how i feel ryt now.

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maldita said...


yup, he knows that i exist...we're actually friends.

i already let him's jst that it's so hard to deal w/ it...but i'll manage :-)

Anonymous said...

oh i see, it's actually easier being in your situation..

' guess we gotta move on now

he's not the only one in this world!
(im trying to convince myself though..)

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