Saturday, January 29, 2005

Free at last

That's how I feel right now...

After 48 years (ok, I'm exaggerating...but it feels like it), I finally decided to leave. I submitted my resignation letter today. I wanted it to be effective on Feb 4th, but my PTL told me that it should be a two-week-notice thingy. Fine. I'll have to stay until the 11th.

It wasn't easy though. One thing, no replacement yet. I haven't even started looking for a new job. The only thing I'm certain is I don't wanna work in a call center anymore. Been there, done that. One year is enough. Tried it and didn't really like it. I actually commend myself for having lasted this long.

Then there's the much-awaited promotion. To be honest, one of the reasons I accepted this job is the opportunity it promised. I'm a part of batch 1, a pioneer. I clearly remember this guy telling all of us that they would prioritize our batch when it comes to promotions. Of course, it's a given that you should be qualified and all. But what now? There were peeps who got promoted even if they have been on the floor for just about a month or two. I don't have anything against them. For all I know, they probably have met all the qualifications. I just think the management is not fair. I'm mad at myself for believing this monster (forgive me for lack of a better term). Sorry. Ass-kissing is not one of my competencies. I wanna elaborate on this one, but I think I'll pass. Ok, ok. I'll stop this now. Lest, i'll be accused of sourgraping and bad-mouthing the company.

Lastly, my friends. They are the ones holding me back. I enjoy every minute that I spend with these guys. They actually wanted for us to leave all at the same time. They wanted for us to find a replacement first before resigning. Working in another call center is one of their options. Not for me. I'm pretty determined not to work in another call center. I will surely miss all of you, my friends, but we have to move on. Go our separate ways. Who knows? We might bump into each other again sometime. We might not spend much time together, but I really hope that we will all still keep in touch.

In the meantime, wish me luck that I'll soon find a job.

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